Art for Eden is a purpose-driven organization dedicated to raising £3 million to build a creative healing center for children affected by trauma. We believe in the power of art and creativity to heal and empower young lives. Our mission is to create a safe, nurturing space where children can find solace, self-expression, and a path to recovery through artistic exploration and love.
Founded by Adam L, who has been in recovery for nearly seven years from C.P.T.S.D and addiction, Art for Eden is his way of giving back and supporting future generations. Adam understands firsthand the trans-formative power of community and creativity, and he envisions a center that provides both to children in need.
With 70p from every £1 raised going directly toward this vision, Art for Eden is committed to making a lasting impact. We invite you to join us in building a brighter future for children by fostering their creative journeys toward healing. Together, we can make art a force for change.

. . . How easy the breath that kills a flame, how hard to kindle that light again. Cold words kill and kind words kindle . . .
- Joan Walsh Anglund